ActionAid strongly condemns the Israeli military’s latest assault on the West Bank and calls for an immediate end to the violence. Since Tuesday, the Israeli military has launched multiple raids across the West Bank, with the largest taking place in the Jenin refugee camp, where at least 12 people have been killed so far and at least 50 wounded, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry. Hundreds of residents have been forced to flee amid airstrikes and shootings, while homes and roads have been bulldozed and hospitals have come under siege.
Farha Abul Heija, director of Kai La Nansa [Not to Forget], an NGO that supports women and children in the Jenin refugee camp, told ActionAid:
“Nowadays, the camp is experiencing the hardest days of its existence.
Two days ago, the occupation forces barged into the camp. They entered from every side, blocking all the roads leading to the camp. No one was allowed in or out. We dealt with electricity outages and water shortages, alongside many other challenges.
Today, everyone in the camp is at risk of displacement… A large number of families have already left the camp. Some stayed with relatives, while others were hosted by supportive families. The camp today is nearly empty. Most people had to leave.Women and children are the most affected. Women fled their homes with no clothes, medicines, or baby formula. They had nothing at all. Those who are ill, in need of medication or suffering from chronic diseases are facing the greatest hardship. Elderly women were barely [able to] evacuate because roads to and from the camp were destroyed.
Men were simply arrested for no specific reason. Anyone who crosses the [Israeli military] checkpoint is prohibited from returning.”
Raids have also taken place in other cities across the West Bank, and dozens of people have been arrested. Multiple new checkpoints, gates, and road closures have been established over the last four days, tightly restricting people’s movement and cutting off access to schools, workplaces, businesses, and health facilities. There has also been a surge in settler violence, with vehicles and properties attacked and set on fire in several villages and a number of Palestinian residents injured.
Riham Jafari, advocacy and communications coordinator at ActionAid Palestine, said:
“Since the ceasefire in Gaza came into effect, the Israeli military has turned its focus to the West Bank, instilling terror with deadly raids and displacing hundreds from Jenin while making it almost impossible for anyone in the West Bank to move around. It’s a very tense and dangerous situation, and we’re deeply concerned about what will happen in the days to come.”
ActionAid demands an immediate end to the violence and excessive use of lethal force in the West Bank and reminds the Israeli government of its legal obligations as an occupying power to protect civilians. For decades, the Israeli government’s brutal occupation has severely curtailed the basic rights and freedoms of Palestinians: it must be brought to an end immediately, as mandated by the International Court of Justice.
Riham Jafari is available for an interview. For media requests, please email or call 7046659743.
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