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February 11, 2021


Spirit Rosenberg from interviewed ActionAid USA on their Talks With… podcast. This series seeks to be an antidote to negative news stories and aims to shed light on organizations and experts whose work is making a positive impact on the world.

Now is the best time for progressive climate policy

The poorest and most vulnerable people deserve to be heard in the halls of power. ActionAid USA’s Senior Policy Analyst Kelly Stone discussed how we should address climate change to alleviate the effects it can have on fragile livelihoods.

The close link between climate change and poverty is already clear. Rising sea levels are displacing whole communities and droughts are devastating crop yields. ActionAid aims to ensure that everyone has a reliable source of food both now and in the future. Kelly explained that climate financing is a key step towards achieving food security. Governments play an instrumental role in the process, which is why ActionAid pressures them to take their fair share of climate action. Administrations often ignore the voices of the most affected frontline communities; ActionAid highlights these stories to build momentum behind the climate movement and empower the disadvantaged.

Listen to the whole interview to find out how the U.S. government can follow up on its Paris Agreement pledges to help protect those in need and why climate action without delay is so crucial. You can also donate to ActionAid USA to help fight poverty and spur real change. is an organization that is changing the way people think about charity, development, and organizations. They’re leading the next generation of charitable giving with their completely remote and radically transparent team. Find out more.

Join the movement for a more just food system

Smallholder farmers around the world are leading the transformation in how we produce, distribute, and consume food. We are working alongside them to defend the right to nutritious, accessible, and culturally appropriate food while also promoting sustainable agroecological agriculture. Join the movement for a more just food system.