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Humanitarian aid access remains severely impeded in Gaza as polio threat looms, new snapshot reveals

The latest snapshot report by ActionAid and other humanitarian organisations working in Gaza reveals that aid access in the territory remains severely impeded, as the threat of polio looms.

The Gaza Humanitarian Access Snapshot #3 outlines the restrictions, delays, and dire aid delivery conditions experienced by humanitarian workers during the last two weeks, as new ‘evacuation orders’ and relentless airstrikes see thousands more Palestinians displaced.

NGOs operating in Gaza are facing unprecedented challenges, as access to vital resources and supplies is blocked, and staff and partners are put at risk by bombardment and attacks in so-called ‘humanitarian zones’. One of ActionAid’s partners in eastern Khan Younis has been unable to reach its warehouses, which are located in areas covered by so-called “evacuation orders”. The breakdown in public order, limited fuel availability, continuous bombing, and unsafe conditions for aid convoys have slowed down and limited aid deliveries.

Without immediate action, the potential spread of polio and other preventable diseases will further compound the suffering of people in Gaza. In early August, ActionAid’s partner in Gaza Al-Awda referred suspected polio cases to Kamal Adwan Hospital due to a shortage of medical supplies and testing equipment in Al-Awda – they were unable to carry out the necessary medical tests to confirm the diagnosis. An immediate ceasefire with full humanitarian access is urgently needed so that vital medical supplies, including vaccines, can reach those in need.

Read the full report here.


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