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Advancing the rights of women smallholder farmers – lessons from COVID-19

The Covid-19 crisis is deepening existing inequalities and wreaking havoc on the lives of the most vulnerable people, especially women small-scale food producers in the Global South.

ActionAid’s research explores how measures to control the pandemic affected the lives of women smallholder farmers across 14 countries in Asia and Africa. The research was conducted in Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nepal, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe in September 2020 and is based on a study of 190 individuals, including 79 smallholder farmers, the majority women, and 71 rural women leaders.

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Author: Martin Muchero
Researcher: Francesca D’Emidio
Date published: July 2021
Number of pages: 34

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